Basic MOS Device Physics (MOS元件物理特性) --Introduction to Analog Design
--Study with the structure of MOS transistors
--Derive MOS I/V characteristics
--Describe second-order effects such as body effect, channel length modulation, and subthreshold conduction --Identify the parasitic capacitances of MOSFETs, derive a small-signal model, and a simple SPICE model Single-Stage Amplifiers (單級放大器)
--Study the low-frequency behavior of single-stage CMOS amplifier
--Common-source amplifier
--Common-gate amplifier
--Source follows amplifier --Cascode amplifier Differential Amplifiers (差動放大器)
--Review single-ended and differential operation
--Analyze both large-signal and small-signal behavior
--Describe the common-mode rejection
--Study differential pairs with diode-connected and current-source loads Passive and Active Current Mirror (主動與被動電流鏡)
--Deals with the design of current mirrors
--Study cascode mirror operation
--Analyze active current mirrors --Describe the properties of differential pair Frequency Response of Amplifiers (放大器頻率回應)
--Frequency response of single-stage and differential amplifiers
--High-frequency behavior of CS, CG and source followers
--High-frequency behavior of cascode and differential amplifiers
--The effect of active current mirrors on the frequency response of differential pairs Feedback (回授)
--A general view of feedback
--Four feedback topologies and their properties
--The effects of loading in feedback amplifiers
Operational Amplifiers (運算放大器) --Describe simple op amps such as telescopic and folded cascode topologies
--Study two-stage and gain-boosting configurations and problem of common-mode feedback
--Introduce the concept of slew rate and analyze the effect of supply rejection Stability and Frequency Compensation (穩定度與頻率補償介紹) --Stability criteria and the concept of phase margin
--Frequency compensation techniques for different op amp topologies
--The impact of frequency compensation on the slew rate of two-stage op amps OPAMP Design Example (類比電路基本單元:運算放大器) --Two-stage CMOS opamp
--Feedback and opamp compensation
--Folded-cascode OPAMP Switched-Capacitor Circuits (類比系統基本單元:交換電容電路) --Basic building blocks and analysis
--First-order and biquad filters
--Charge injection
--Switched-capacitor gain circuits
--Correlated double-sampling techniques Comparator (類比數介面單元:比較器) --Examine a simplistic approach of an open-loop opamp for a comparator
--Describe other approaches : multiple-stage comparators, positive-feedback track-and-latch comparators, and fully differential comparators Bandgap References (BGR) (能隙基準電壓電路) --Study supply-independent biasing and the problem of start-up
--Describe temperature-independent references and examine the effect of offset voltages
--Present constant-Gm biasing
--Study an example of state-of-the-art bandgap references
Fundamental of Filter (濾波器基礎理論) --Linear continuous time-invariant systems
--Type of filters Approximation (濾波器近似函數) --Butterworth response
--Chebyshev response Passive Filter Design (被動濾波器設計) --Realization of LC immittance functions
--Derivation of the twoport parameters of LC filters
--Realization of LC allpass circuits
--Realization of LC ladders Discrete-Time Switched-Capacitor Filters (非連續時域交換電容濾波器設計) --First-order transfer function
--Second-order transfer function
--Design example of high-order switched-capacitor filters Continuous-Time OTA-C Filters (連續時域轉導放大器-電容式濾波器設計)
--Gm-C integrator
--Gyrator-C active inductor
--Design example of high-order Gm-C filters